Media Release Saturday September 2, 2023
Theft On Friday September 1, 2023 the victim contacted STPS to advise that their vehicle was broken into overnight. The vehicle was parked on Peach Tree and sometime over night…
Theft On Friday September 1, 2023 the victim contacted STPS to advise that their vehicle was broken into overnight. The vehicle was parked on Peach Tree and sometime over night…
On the 31st day of August 2023 Oxford County OPP advised they had arrested a 32 year old Tillsonburg woman on the strength of our warrant to arrest. The female…
On the 30th day of August 2023 St. Thomas Police arrested a 43 year old St. Thomas woman on an outstanding probation warrant. She was released on a future court…
Stolen/recovered motorcycle investigation SUSPECT IDENTIFICATION The St. Thomas Police Service is attempting to identify two male suspects following the theft of a motorcycle on August 26th, 2023. A civilian…
Theft On August 29th 2023, a city resident called Police to report that sometime overnight on August 23rd, unknown suspect(s) had stolen their black Daymak Coyote e-bike from an address…
Vehicle entries/mischiefs On August 28th 2023, a resident on the west end of town called Police to report that their vehicle had been entered sometime overnight. Unknown suspect(s) had smashed…
Bike Taken from Wellington Street Convenience Store On Friday August 25th a St. Thomas man had his Red and White Rocky Mountain Vapour 2 bicycle stolen. He had entered the…
A weekly report of the court dispositions from August 21st – August 25th, 2023 can be read here: Published Court Dispositions Aug 21- 25, 2023
Break and Enter to Apartment Building on Churchill Crescent Reported St. Thomas police were called to an apartment building on Churchill Crescent early Saturday, after a resident discovered what appeared…