Media Release Monday October 30th 2023
Theft A black and blue North Rock bike and a backpack with two Acer laptops has been reported stolen. On Friday October 27th 2023, St. Thomas police were called by…
Theft A black and blue North Rock bike and a backpack with two Acer laptops has been reported stolen. On Friday October 27th 2023, St. Thomas police were called by…
Robbery Police are currently investigating a robbery that took place in the early morning hours of Saturday October 28, 2023. The victim indicated that while he was walking his dog…
Assault On Friday October 27, 2023 the victim contacted police to advised they had been assaulted by a 35 year old male. Police attended and located the male in a…
Warrant A 31 year old St. Thomas resident has been arrested. On Thursday October 26th 2023 officers on community patrol were approached by the 31 year old who wished to…
The St. Thomas Police Service collision report statics from July 1st – September 30th, 2023 (Q3 2023) can be read here: CromStatsQ3 - 2023 - Complete
Arrested A 30 year old St. Thomas resident has been arrested. On Wednesday October 25th 2023, St. Thomas police attended EMDC to arrest the individual on an outstanding warrant with…
Arrested A 44 year old St. Thomas resident has been arrested. As the result of a traffic stop, officers learned the driver of the vehicle was under suspension and operation…
A weekly report of the court dispositions from October 16th - 20th 2023 can be read here: Published Court Dispositions for October 20, 2023
Break and Enter Approximately $35,000 in electrical wire and $3,700 of tools have been reported stolen. On Monday October 23rd 2023, St. Thomas police were called by a contractor who…