Welcome to the St. Thomas Police Service Citizens Online Police Reporting System. If this is an Emergency please call 911.
- All cases filed using the Citizens Online Police Reporting System will be reviewed.
- Upon review, if further investigation of your case is needed, you may be contacted by an Officer.
- Filing a false police report is a crime.
- Reports filed on behalf of a third party or for public property, will not be accepted. Reports must by filed by the actual complainant, owner or authorized representative.
- You can NOT report lost or stolen vehicles, license plate(s), prescription drugs, firearms, Canadian or foreign Passports or Federal Canadian documents (SIN, Immigration Cards, etc).
- You can NOT report motor vehicle collisions.
- You can NOT report anything over the value of $5,000.
*Ensure you turn off your pop-up-blocking software before filing the report.
Using this online citizen reporting system allows you to report a crime to Police using our online portal. This is a free service. Please confirm the following to find out if the citizen online police report filing system is right for you:
- This is not an Emergency?
- This incident occurred within the St. Thomas Police Service City limits?
- There are No Known suspects?
- This did not occur on a Provincial Highway?
*Personal Information provided through the STPS ONLINE Police Reporting System is collected pursuant to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for law enforcement purposes only. For questions and inquiries, please call 519-631-1224.
No, If the incident took place outside of the Town of St. Thomas please call the police service for that city or region
If this took place on a Provincial Highway, such as Highway 401, Highway 3 or Highbury Avenue, please call the Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P)
A known suspect is when you or someone else knows (physically witnessed) the person or where to find the person who committed the crime or the license plate number of the vehicle the suspect was in.
This is not defined as a known suspect, please list this person’s name in your narrative description.
No. Motor vehicle collisions can be reported at the St. Thomas Police Service Headquarters (45 Caso Crossing) or by calling our main line at 519-631-1224.
If you have any questions or concerns with the online reporting, please call (519) 631-1224.