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Media Release Friday April 21st 2023

Minor injuries in assault 

St. Thomas Police are investigating after a fight occurred at a local high school. Two youths were involved in an incident on April 18th 2023, resulting in one of the youth sustaining minor injuries. STPS are reviewing video of the incident and continue to investigate. ST23006423

Domestic assault

A 30 year old St. Thomas resident has been charged with two counts of Assault and one count of Uttering Threats after St. Thomas Police were called to residence on the south side of the city at approximately 7:00 a.m.  yesterday (April 20th, 2023). Upon arrival, the accused had fled the area. The victim was transported to the hospital and released. At approximately 2:30 p.m. STPS were contacted by the victim as the accused had returned to the residence. The accused was arrested without incident and transported to police headquarters, later released on an undertaking. ST23006461

Break and Enter

A total of 10 storage units have been entered at a storage facility in the north end of the city. St. Thomas Police were called to investigate after an alert employee noticed someone had gained accessed to the property sometime between the hours of 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday April 19th, 2023 and 8:15 a.m. on Thursday April 20th, 2023. A rigid chop saw valued at $350 and a television valued at $100 have been reported stolen. Individual owners of the entered units have been notified and a complete list of stolen items will be provided to police as the investigation continues. ST23006469

Close to a $1,000 in cash has been stolen from a residence in a north side neighbourhood. The homeowners contacted St. Thomas Police after returning home from work on Thursday April 20th, 2023 to find their door unlocked and their home rummaged through. STPS are reviewing the available video footage and continue to investigate. ST23006477


A 33 year old St. Thomas resident is wanted for mischief after causing damage to a cell phone on Thursday April 20th 2023. St. Thomas Police were called to a west end restaurant after an incident occurred, resulting in the accused throwing the victim’s cell phone to the ground. A warrant has been requested for one count Mischief under $5,000 and  one count Failure to Comply with Probation Order. ST23006478

Landlord assaulted

A landlord called to move along an unwanted party has sustained minor physical injuries. On Thursday April 20th, 2023 just after 12 noon St. Thomas Police were called by a tenant of an apartment building reporting an assault had occurred. Upon arrival and through investigation, police formed grounds to charge a 37 year old St. Thomas resident with one count Assault. The accused was arrested and transported to police headquarters where they were processed and released on an undertaking. ST23006479


Approximately $40.00 worth of goods have been reported stolen from a downtown pharmacy. On Thursday April 20th 2023, St. Thomas Police were called by an employee who wished to report a 32 year old St. Thomas resident known to be trespassed from the pharmacy. They reported the person had just left the store making no attempt to pay. The accused left the area prior to police arrival. STPS continue to investigate. ST23006493

Downtown assault

A 28 year old St. Thomas resident has been charged with one count Assault and one count Failure to Comply with undertaking after police were called to an incident in the downtown core last night (April 20th 2023). Upon arrival, police learned of an assault that took place between two parties that were known to each other. Minor injuries were reported by the victim. Police located and arrested the accused who was then transported to police headquarters, processed and released by the courts. ST23006516

E-Bike Stolen 

An E-Bike valued at approximately $400.00 has been reported stolen. St. Thomas Police were called to investigate the theft of the bike after it had been secured to a bike rack at a local shopping center sometime between 7:40 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on Thursday April 20th, 2023. Police are continuing to investigate while reviewing video surveillance. ST23006518

Collision causes power outage, driver charged

A 29 year old Southwold resident has been charged with one count of Careless Driving after St. Thomas Police were called to a single motor vehicle collision on Bush Line last night (April 20th, 2023). The vehicle had left the roadway striking a hydro pole resulting in the loss of power to residents in the area. No injuries were sustained by the driver. ST23006519



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