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Assault of a Police Officer – Youth Charged

Assault on Police Officers – Youth Charged

On Thursday April 13th 2023, two youths were reported missing to the St. Thomas Police Service.  A number of resources were utilized to investigate the matter and to ensure the safe return of the two teenaged individuals.  During the investigation, it was determined that both young persons were in crisis and there were grounds to apprehend under the Mental Health Act.

At approximately 10:40 PM, an STPS officer located the youths in the downtown core.  When attempting to engage the two young persons to offer support and reconnect the teenagers with their families,  one of the individuals struck an officer in the face causing serious but non-life threatening injuries. The officer was transported to the hospital for medical treatment and was later released.

The assailing youth was arrested and taken into custody. While in custody, the youth threatened to kill all officers involved and spat in another officer’s face.

As a result, a 13 year old youth has been charged with Assault Causing Bodily Harm, Resist Peace Officer, Assault, Uttering Threats – Cause death or Bodily Harm.

The youth was released on an Undertaking with a future court date to answer to the unprovoked violence against police.



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