If you want to report a crime or suspicious activity and wish to remain anonymous, Crime Stoppers can be reached by calling,
(519) 631-TIPS (8477) or 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or submit a tip online
Crime Stoppers DOES NOT use call display. You DO NOT have to identify yourself or testify in court. You may also leave a Crime Stoppers tip online at www.stthomas-elgincrimestoppers.ca
For more information, visit the St. Thomas Elgin Crime Stoppers website at: www.stthomas-elgincrimestoppers.ca
You can call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) from anywhere in Canada and the call will be forwarded to the closest Crime Stopper program in the country.
Statistics (as of September 2012 – since inception of program)
Rewards Paid | $147,430.00 |
Cases Cleared | 1064 |
Arrests | 843 |
Recovered Property | $8,478,960.00 |
Recovered Drugs | $7,321,502.00 |
How it Works
When a tipster calls, they provide their information to the Police Coordinator, they receive a code number and their identity is never revealed, not even to the Coordinator. They are instructed to call Crime Stoppers in a week or two for an update quoting their code number. If the information leads to an arrest, a cash reward is assigned to the tipster. Rewards are determined by the Board of Directors.
Crime Stoppers Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is comprised of a group of fifteen (15) concerned citizens who volunteer their time to serve their community. Crime Stoppers is incorporated as a charitable organization. The Directors of the Corporation administer the affairs of the Corporation including fundraising, control of the funds and payments made as a result of the reward program. Board meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month.
If you are interested in a position on the Crime Stoppers Board of Directors, contact the Police Coordinator for an application and further information.
Police Coordinator
The Crime Stoppers Police Coordinator is a civilian member of the St. Thomas Police Service who is responsible for the promotion of the Crime Stoppers program and serves as a liaison between the media, the Crime Stoppers Board of Directors, the general public and the Police Service.
The Coordinator receives calls and disseminates the investigative information to the appropriate branch of the Police Service or other law enforcement agencies for further investigation. The Coordinator also makes recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning cash awards to those who have provided information in accordance with the set criteria of the program.
CRIME STOPPERS is incorporated as a charitable organization; all donations are tax exempt.
Remember….Crime doesn’t pay…..but Crime Stoppers does!
519-631-TIPS (8477)
1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
or submit a tip online