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Break and Enter/ Warrant Arrests/Fail to Comply/Theft/IPV/Breach of Probation

Break and Enter

St. Thomas Police were called to a south end residence for a report of a Break and Enter. An air compressor and a bicycle are reported stolen from the garage. The incident is still under investigation.  ST24016590.

Warrant Arrest

Saturday, September 14th, 2024. St. Thomas Police arrest a 76-year-old St. Thomas resident, after they turned themselves in regarding a theft from a downtown business in August. The individual was processed at Police Headquarters and released with a future court date.  ST24016518/ST24016592/ST24015435.


St. Thomas Police arrest a 30-year-old St. Thomas resident after an ex-partner reports the individual was breaching release conditions by communicating with the victim. The individual was arrested and released with a future court date. ST24016444/ST24016583.

Fail to Comply

A 22-year-old St. Thomas resident is currently wanted for failing to comply with a release order. Police were notified the individual that was being monitored, was motionless for a period of time. Police investigation revealed the individual had removed the monitoring device, and is charged accordingly. ST24016579.


St. Thomas Police investigated a theft from a downtown business. It was reported by staff that an individual selected and concealed various merchandise. The individual was located nearby and returned all the items to the store. The individual was trespassed from the business. ST24016596

St. Thomas Police are investigating a theft from outside a downtown business. The victim reported, that while inside shopping, their bicycle was stolen. CCTV footage is being reviewed, and the incident is still under investigation. ST24016628

Intimate Partner Violence

St. Thomas Police attended a south end residence for a domestic dispute. Investigation revealed that the victim had been assaulted by their partner. Subsequently, a 29-year-old St. Thomas resident was arrested for spousal assault and transported to Police Headquarters for processing. The individual was released on an undertaking with a future court date. ST24016624.

Breach of Probation

St. Thomas Police were contacted when an 18-year-old St. Thomas resident was out passed court ordered curfew. The individual is currently wanted for Adult Fail to Comply with Sentence. ST24016631

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