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Thefts, Warrants, Impaired, & Break and Enter


St. Thomas Police investigate a theft of over $5000 in jewelry from a north end residence. The 81-year-old victim reporting after in home services were provided, and noticed valuables missing. The incident is still under investigation. ST24010206

Warrant arrest

St. Thomas police arrest a 36-year-old St. Thomas resident for failing to comply, after an ex-partner reports communication violating conditions. The individual was processed at Police Headquarters and released on an undertaking with conditions. ST24010278, ST24010187.

 Warrant arrest

St. Thomas police arrest a 26-year-old St. Thomas resident on the strength of a warrant. The accused was found to be in violation of London Police release documents stemming from an incident in May of 2024. The individual was released with a future court date. ST24010285, ST24008629


St. Thomas Police attend a downtown restaurant for a theft. A victim reports that while inside the establishment, their vehicle was entered, and stolen were, keys, wallet, and garage door opener. The incident is still under investigation. ST24010299


A 41-year-old St. Thomas resident has been arrested for impaired. St. Thomas Police were in the North end of the city on a separate incident when a driver of a motor vehicle failed a road side screening device. The individual was transported to Police Headquarters, processed and released with an appearance notice. ST24010302

Break and Enter

St. Thomas Police attended a downtown business for an alarm call. An additional 911 caller reported hearing glass breaking and observing a suspect fleeing the area. Upon arrival, the business window was observed shattered. The business owner reports items stolen. CCTV footage is being reviewed and the incident is under investigation. ST24010304

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