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St. Thomas Police Service Launches New Awareness Video on Homelessness Resources

St. Thomas, ONTuesday July 23rd 2024

St. Thomas Police Service Launches New Awareness Video on Homelessness Resources

The St. Thomas Police Service, in collaboration with St. Thomas – Elgin Social Services, The INN and our community partners are proud to announce the launch of a new awareness video designed to provide crucial information on resources available to individuals experiencing social and health related challenges in our community. The video introduces key frontline workers and services dedicated to offering support and solutions.

The right people. The right care. Our collaborative approach.

The video emphasizes the importance of a compassionate and coordinated approach to tackling the social determinants of health.  Viewers are introduced to the friendly faces of those on the front lines, including:

  • STPS Community Resource Unit: Special Constables trained to assist from a public safety perspective in providing assistance and connecting individuals to vital social and health-related supports in the downtown core.
  • Social Services – Street Outreach: Housing-focused street outreach workers meeting vulnerable people where they are to offer support and create housing stability.
  • The Inn: A low-barrier emergency shelter providing safe housing, meals, and support in collaboration with community partners.
  • MOST: Mental Health Clinicians from the Canadian Mental Health Association are embedded within the St. Thomas Police Service to provide an alternative service delivery model offering crisis intervention and mental health supports.

The video underscores the positive impact of community engagement, showcasing real interactions between frontline workers and the individuals they assist. The message is clear: “The right people. The right care.”

The St. Thomas Police Service encourages everyone to watch the video and share it widely.

If you or someone you know is experiencing challenges, help is just a call away:

  • St. Thomas Police Service: 519-631-1224 (24/7)
  • Street Outreach: 226-377-9655 (Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM)
  • The Inn: 519-637-9898 (24/7)

“The St. Thomas Police Service recognizes that these increasing issues can only be resolved once ownership and responsibility is accepted through a multi-sectoral mindset.  A coordinated and collaborative effort comprised of community leaders and elected officials is required.  These issues are clearly defined and included within the St. Thomas-Elgin Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan as priorities for cross-sector response. This video is a testament to the dedicated and innovative partnerships that have been implemented to support those in need. By working together, we can make a significant impact. We thank our partners and the community for their unwavering support.” Chief Marc Roskamp


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