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St. Thomas Police Service 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan

For Immediate Release

“The St. Thomas Police Services Board, recognizing the importance of business planning, is pleased to present the Strategic Plan for 2023-2026. This plan has considered the ever-changing needs of our community. It recommends intentional steps our members will take to ensure the police service is performing in accordance with our community’s values and expectations. We welcomed this opportunity to reflect on our accomplishments and look to the future while re-evaluating our efforts at achieving community policing excellence” – Dan Reith BA(Hons) CAIB Board, Chair

“The 2023-2026 Strategic Plan has been a successful compilation of input from members of the public, community partners and St. Thomas Police Service members and Board, in response to the public safety needs of St. Thomas’ growing community. This plan has been developed with a major emphasis on ensuring all citizens and business owners of St. Thomas, have had an opportunity to share their thoughts about the performance of our police service, and their feelings about crime and safety in our community. Through this process, we have identified five major areas to focus our strategic priorities over the next four years. They are; Organizational Service Review, Communications, Technology, Human Resources, and Community Partnerships. Built into these priorities are a number of objectives that we look to achieve by the end of 2026” – Marc Roskamp, Chief of Police – Designate

2023-2026 Strategic Plan

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