Media for April 18th
THEFTS Yesterday Officers on Community Patrol attended a downtown grocery store after reports of a theft. At 2:40pm a female loaded a grocery cart full of food and exited the…
THEFTS Yesterday Officers on Community Patrol attended a downtown grocery store after reports of a theft. At 2:40pm a female loaded a grocery cart full of food and exited the…
WARRANT ARREST AND NEW CHARGES On April 14th, Officers on Community Patrol located a 37 year old St. Thomas man who was wanted on numerous outstanding warrants. He was arrested…
Mischief Late on April 15th 2023, Police were called to a local business for reports of damage to property. Upon arrival, Officers located a broken window, which was believed to…
On 14Apr/23 at approximately 9am, St. Thomas Police officers located 51-year-old Chad Mcevoy and 30-year-old Jordan Pineda in the Edward and Burwell Road area. Both males were presently wanted on…
Vehicle Entry On Thursday April 13th 2023, St. Thomas Police were called to investigate a vehicle entry that had occurred sometime overnight in a north side neighbourhood. Reported stolen were…
Assault on Police Officers - Youth Charged On Thursday April 13th 2023, two youths were reported missing to the St. Thomas Police Service. A number of resources were utilized to…
Break and Enter On Tuesday April 11th 2023, St. Thomas Police were called to investigate a break and enter that had occurred at the Railway Heritage Building on Moore Street.…
Warrants On Tuesday April 11th 2023, a 52 year old St. Thomas female attended Police Headquarters to turn herself in on an outstanding warrant from breach of a conditional sentence.…
A weekly report of the court dispositions from April 3rd - 6th, 2023 is now available Published Court Dispositions April 3 - 6, 2023