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Media Release Wednesday July 17th 2024

Warrant Arrests

A 22 year old St. Thomas resident previously wanted by police, has been arrested. On Tuesday July 16th 2024, while on an unrelated call for service the individual was located and arrested. The 22 year old had been charged with one count of Failure to Comply after officers learned they were violating their curfew. The individual was transported to police headquarters, processed and released on an undertaking with a future court date. Through further investigation, the 22 year old faces additional charges of Mischief, Trespass by Night and Unlawfully in a dwelling. A warrant for arrest has been requested for those charges. ST24012181/ ST24012169 / ST24012154

A 28 year old St. Thomas resident has been arrested. On Tuesday July 16th 2024, the individual attended police headquarters to turn themselves in on an outstanding warrant for Theft under $5,000 after being identified as the person responsible for a shoplifting incident on Talbot Street in May. The 28 year old was processed and released on Appearance Notice. ST24012210


A 35 year old St. Thomas resident has been arrested after several incidents in the city last night. At approximately 4:30 p.m. police were called to an address on the southside of the city to investigate the report of an individual breaking a window to an apartment in the area. The suspect has left the area prior to police arrival. At approximately 10:15 p.m. officers were called to an address on Elm Street for the reports of an individual attending a residence and causing damage to a railing on the front porch. At approximately 10:40 p.m. officers were alerted to the suspect individual causing damage to a business in the same area of the second call. The individual was located a short distance away and arrested. As a result, the 35 year old St. Thomas resident has been charged with one count of Mischief, one count Failure to Comply with Undertaking and one count Breach of Probation. The individual was transported to police headquarters where they were processed and held for a morning court appearance. ST24012198/ST24012215/ST24012217

Vehicle Entry 

Approximately $2,000 of property has been reported stolen after a vehicle owner reports their rear window was smashed and their laptop bag, taken. The incident occurred sometime in the overnight hours of July 15th at an address on the northside of the city. ST24012174


A 20 year old St. Thomas resident has been arrested after police were called to a retail store on Talbot Street for a shoplifting incident. Upon arrival, officers located the individual who had concealed several pieces of merchandise. As a result, the 20 year old was charged with Theft under $5,000 and was trespassed from the store. The individual was released on an appearance notice. ST24012187

Two pairs of shoes have been reported stolen from a retail store on Talbot Street. On Tuesday July 16th 2024, officers were called to the store by an employee who wish to report an unknown individual attended the store, selected the shoes and then fled from the area. This remains under investigation. ST24012194

Approximately $1,100 in merchandise has been reported stolen from a retail store in the 1063 Talbot Street, retail block. On Tuesday July 16th 2024, officers were called by loss prevention staff who wish to report an unknown individual had left the store with a cart of merchandise that they failed to pay for. Police are reviewing video surveillance of the incident and the suspect as they continue to investigate. ST24012203


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