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Media Release Thursday August 15th 2024

Break and Enter 

St. Thomas police are currently investigation a commercial break and enter. On Tuesday August 13th 2024, police were contacted by a resident who wished to report the storage unit they had been renting at a location on the northside of the city, containing approximately $7,000 in personal property had been broken into. Several items had been stolen and damage to the interior of the unit had been caused. STPS are reviewing available video surveillance as they continue to investigate. ST24014224


Damage to a building in the downtown core has been reported to police. On Wednesday August 14th 2024, officers were called to a business downtown to investigate the report of graffiti on a building. Through investigation, police learned an unknown person had used spray paint to vandalize the building in the early morning hours of August 10th. Video surveillance of the incident is being reviewed as STPS work to identify the individual responsible. ST24014253

A window at a business in the 700 block of Talbot Street has been damaged. On Wednesday August 14th 2024, STPS were called by the business owner who wish to report that upon arriving to work they observed a large window of the business had sustained damage. The incident occurred sometime in the overnight hours and remains under investigation. ST24014267

A 32 year old St. Thomas resident has been charged with one count of Mischief after an incident in the city on Wednesday. The victim in this matter attended police headquarters to report that damage was caused to their vehicle by an unknown party throwing an object towards the window. A verbal altercation took place between the parties involved, before they both left the area. Through investigation, officers identified the individual responsible and warrant for arrest has been requested. ST24014278

Intimate Partner Violence

A 45 year old St. Thomas resident has been arrested. On Wednesday August 14th 2024, officers were called to an address on the southside of the city to investigate the report of an individual being assaulted after a verbal altercation between spouses had escalated. Through investigation, officers learned the victim had several minor injuries after being physically assaulted by their partner. As a result, the 45 year old St. Thomas resident was charged with Utter Threats to Cause Harm and Assault. The individual was transported to police headquarters where they were processed and released on an undertaking with a future court date. ST24014292


STPS are looking to identify the individuals in the photo below. On Wednesday August 14th 2024, officers were called to a grocery store on Talbot Street to investigate the report of a theft that had occurred. It was reported that the individuals in the photo, failed to pay for approximately $75 in merchandise. If you have any information in regard to this incident, please contact police at 519-631-1224 or submit an anonymous tip through Crime Stoppers  ST24014308

Gas Drive Off

St. Thomas police are investigating the theft of gas. On Wednesday August 14th 2024, police received an online report detailing the occurrence that involved two unknown individuals attending a gas bar on Talbot Street and failing to pay for $80 in gas. STPS are looking to identify the individuals in the photos below. If you have any information in regard to this incident, please contact police at 519-631-1224 or submit an anonymous tip through Crime Stoppers ST24014310

Warrant Arrest

A 38 year old St. Thomas resident has been arrested. On Wednesday August 14th 2024, officers at the the Elgin County Courthouse were dealing with the individual on an unrelated matter when they became aware of than outstanding warrant with our service for Failure to Comply with Release Order, stemming from an incident in May. The individual was processed and released with a future court date. ST24014260

Attempt Vehicle Theft

St. Thomas Police are investigating the attempted theft of a motorcycle. At approximately 4:45 a.m. this morning, STPS were called to an address on the west side of the city to investigate the incident. Through investigation officers learned neighbours were alerted to the sounds of the vehicle being dragged between driveways. Significant damage was caused to the motorcycle and a vehicle that was close to it. This remains under investigation. ST24014328


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