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Media Release for Monday May 20, 2024

Bicycle Theft, Warrant Arrest and R.I.D.E

On Sunday afternoon officers were called to a east end retail store, after reports that a patrons bicycle was stolen.  Officers were advised that the complainant had entered the store after locking their bike out front of the store to a friends bike at the rack.  When they returned they found the bike lock cut and one of the bike’s missing.  Through investigation the bike was tracked down and later returned to the owner.  ST24008164

Warrant Arrest

A 34 year old St. Thomas woman was arrested Sunday night on the strength of a warrant.  The woman had failed to attend and answer to a previous charge in court.  As such she was arrested, processed and released with a future court date. ST24008169

RIDE Check

Officers operated a R.I.D.E check late Sunday evening.  During the check, officers stopped and checked the sobriety of 40 vehicles, administering 1 Roadside Screening Device.  That individual passed the screening process.  No other infractions were reported. ST24008194


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