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Media release 22nd of September 2024


On the morning of Saturday the 21st of September 2024 an employee of a south end church set up some equipment up at the rear door of the building as part of his opening duties. The employee went to the front door to unlock it for the public and returned to find a large drum style fan and some personal items stolen in the short time he was inside. The area is being canvassed for home surveillance cameras. If you, or anyone you know, has any information related to this matter please contact the St Thomas Police Service or visit and reference Incident ST24017020.

Warrant arrest:

On Saturday St Thomas Police officers were contacted to attend a local playground to check on the wellbeing of a male and female that appeared to be sleeping under the equipment. While on scene officers discovered the male party was currently wanted on warrants held by the London Police Service. The male was arrested on the warrants and London Police attended to transport him to their station. Incident ST24017028.

Domestic Assault:

On Saturday afternoon St Thomas Police received a 911 call from an adult female indicating a physical disturbance was in progress between her parents in the family home. Police attended and through investigation it was alleged that the male assaulted his wife during the incident. The 53-year-old St Thomas resident was arrested and charged with assault. He was later released on an undertaking with conditions.  Incident ST24017047.


On Saturday evening Police attended a downtown business for reports that a male had been in the shop causing a disturbance. Police learned that an unknown male, described as having dark hair and beard and carrying a blue Adidas bag, had entered the store and began harassing customers. On being asked to leave repeatedly the male had assaulted the employee on being escorted from the business. The employee was uninjured. Police have obtained video from the area and the matter is under investigation. If you, or anyone you know, has any information related to this matter please contact the St Thomas Police Service or visit and reference Incident ST24017054.

Warrant Arrest:

On the morning of Sunday the 22nd of September 2024 Aylmer Police Service transported a female prisoner to the St Thomas Police Service to attend weekend video court. It was learned that the 33-year-old St Thomas resident also had outstanding warrants with the St Thomas Police Service as well as the Middlesex OPP. The female was arrested in the cell block on the outstanding warrants and held for weekend court. Incident ST24011579.

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