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From the Traffic Management Unit

St. Thomas, ONFriday September 6th 2024 

A traffic project generated by the traffic management unit to address speed on Talbot Street at Woodland Road is now complete. ST24013743

The project resulted in: 39 reports, 2 warnings and 14 charges

A traffic project generated by the traffic management unit to address speed on Southdale Line between Fairview Avenue and Sunset Drive is now complete. ST24013744

The project resulted in: 118 reports, 4 warnings and 10 charges

The Traffic Management Unit continues to focus on road safety initiatives and is sharing our newest traffic projects with our community.

  • A ‘Back to School’ safety project began September 3rd at various locations and high traffic school zones throughout the city.
  • A project to address speed on Burwell Road between South Edgeware Road and Ron McNeil Line has been created.
  • An ongoing project to address speed and noisy vehicles along Wellington Street is continuing.

Please continue to drive responsibly and help keep our roads safe!


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