Break and Enters:
On the Saturday 1st of March staff reported a break and enter to a ground floor apartment in a multi-story residential building that is currently under construction. It appeared that sometime overnight unknown person(s) forced entry through a ground floor window and entered the apartment -which is staged and furnished for prospective tenant viewings and promotional photos. Nothing was reported stolen. If you, or anyone you know, has any information related to this matter please contact the St Thomas Police Service or visit and reference Incident ST25003332
On overnight on the 1st of March officers on general patrol completing property checks located locks that were cut on two outdoor storage containers/trailers at an east end business. A keyholder was contacted to attend who confirmed that nothing appeared to have been stolen –but officers are canvassing nearby businesses for video of the incident. If you, or anyone you know, has any information related to this matter please contact the St Thomas Police Service or visit and reference Incident ST25003389.
On Saturday morning an employee at a downtown graffiti to the business. Video from the store captured a male suspect, wearing dark clothing and a white outer vest, attend the store at approximately 9:55 pm the night before and damaged a door and two windows with paint. The investigation is continuing. If you, or anyone you know, has any information related to this matter lease contact the St Thomas Police Service or visit and reference Incident ST25003341.
Warrant arrests:
On Saturday morning an officer on general patrol observed a male known to him to be wanted on a current warrant held by our service related to breaching conditions of his probation. The 33-year-old male was arrested on the strength of the warrant and transported to the station. The male was later released on conditions with a future court date. Incident ST25003342.
On Saturday night an officer on general patrol observed a 41-year-old male known to them to be wanted on a warrant held by the St Thomas Police Service for prohibited operation of a motor vehicle. The St Thomas resident was arrested and transported to the station. On search incident to arrest officers located a significant amount of methamphetamine on his person. The male was held for morning court and additionally charged with possession of a controlled substance. Incident ST25003373/ST25003376.
On Saturday night an officer on general patrol observed a 30-year-old female known to them to be wanted on a warrant held by the St Thomas Police Service for breach of probation. The St Thomas resident was arrested and released with a future court date. Incident ST25003371.
On Saturday night Oxford OPP arrested a 72-year-old male on unrelated offences. This male also had warrants held by Aylmer Police Service and the St Thomas Police Service. The male was arrested on the strength of the STPS warrant, for assault and assault with a weapon, and later released on conditions and a future court date. Incident ST25003309.