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Assault Police – utter threats – resist arrest – Standalone release 14SEP24

Assault Police with a weapon, threats and resist arrest:

In the early morning hours on Saturday the 14th of September 2024 an officer on general patrol spotted a male on Talbot Street on a bicycle that had committed several offences under the Highway Traffic Act.

The officer attempted to stop the bicycle with his emergency lights and the cyclist continued without stopping for police. The officer informed the male as he drove beside him of the offences and that he was required to stop and identify himself under the Highway Traffic Act. The male dropped the bicycle and fled on foot- but was located a short distance away by the officer.

The officer again demanded the male identify himself and the male gave a false name and date of birth.

The officer informed the male he was under arrest for failure to identify under the Highway Traffic Act.

While the officer attempted to place the male into custody, he became actively resistant– refusing to provide his hands to be handcuffed and he kept one of his hands concealed and held to his body. The officer called for other units to attend to assist with the resistive male.

While the officer physically struggled with the accused to effect the arrest the male blurted out several threats to the officer and indicated that he had a knife. The male brought out his concealed hand holding what appeared to be a long metal object. The male pointed the object towards the officer and said he would stab him.

The officer let go of the male to create distance for safety and the male again fled on foot while the officer pursued. The officer confronted the male and due to the threat of a weapon a conducted energy weapon was utilized and deployed at the male. The conducted energy weapon was deployed successfully and the male was taken into custody.

A search of the area around the male showed the object to be a long screw driver and not a knife as indicated by the threat.

The male was later identified properly and it was found that he was wanted on an existing warrant and had conditions which included a curfew – which he was in breach of.

The male was checked out medically due to the conductive energy weapon being deployed and was cleared by hospital staff as being uninjured.

The male was transported to the station and held for weekend video court – charged:

Resist arrest, Obstruct Peace Officer, Assault with a weapon, Utter threats, fail to comply with release order as well as two Highway Traffic Offences.

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